NYSPC has been in contact with student and youth movements from across the globe and is excited to announce that participation in the March 5th National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs is going to be much larger than we thought. 
So far, we have received confirmation from the Spanish Students Union and the national organization: Students Against Sanctions and War in Canada that the strike will be taking place nationally in those countries.

We have also been in contact with students in the UK, Austraila, Brazil, Mexico and the EU about interest in the March 5th strike. We will provide a full list of countries and campuses involved when it is ready.

NYSPC welcomes the solidarity and participation of our brothers and sitsters outside US borders and we call on other nations’ youth and students to take up the call as well.  Feel free to re-write the call to action so it reflects your own national and local demands.

If you are involved in a student or youth movement outside the US, contact us to register your participation in the strike.  Our Spanish-translated version of the call to action and other resources are available here.