Author: marinoonofre (Page 1 of 2)

Hookup App Find n Fuck Starts Student Debt Fundraiser

After finding that students were using their app for hookups, popular dating app called Find n Fuck started a fundraiser to help with student debt. The app connects local people who are looking for casual relationships find friends with benefits, one night stands, and other casual relationships. It focuses on people who aren’t looking for a committed relationship but just casual sex.

“In all honesty, we kind of expected this,” said the CEO when speaking to reporters about his decision to start the fundraiser. “We’ve seen how desperate students are becoming in their quest to get out of debt. They’re willing to do anything—and I mean anything.”

The fundraiser will allow students at select colleges to use their dating app for free, but only if they are verified by Find n Fuck that they have student loans. Any proceeds made from the fundraiser will be donated directly to paying down student debt. “We expect the donations to be in the high six figures,” said one executive.

A few students responded on social media about the fundraiser:

“I’m more than likely going to go ahead and sign up for Find n Fuck just because of this,” said a student from Silicon Valley. “Postmates is just too goddamn expensive.”

“This is really going to help me out,” said a student from San Diego, who recently dropped out of college after three years. “I have almost $80K worth of loans, so I’ll be able to drop half of that off within the first month. Thank you guys so much!”

With college tuition and indebtedness at an all-time high, more students are showing interest in dating apps such as Tinder or Find n Fuck to help relieve the stress of their financial woes.

“In tough times like these,” said a student from Seattle, “it’s important to be with someone who understands what you’re going through.”

“I don’t know,” said a student from South Carolina. “It’s weird doing online dating to get money for school, but I guess it’s worth a shot. I mean fuck—it’s not like my current job is getting me anywhere.”

A few colleges have already signed up for the fundraiser, including Stanford, Harvard, and UC Berkeley. The fundraiser is expected to launch within the next few weeks.

“We knew this was going to be controversial,” said an executive for Find n Fuck. “But at the end of the day it helps students out—and that’s all that matters.”

Men Are Streaming On Gay Chat Sites To Pay For College

With the rising cost of college and living expenses, students are always looking for creative ways to make some extra money. Some college aged men have started streaming themselves, often naked or masturbating, on gay chat sites.

How Does It Work?

College men who stream on gay chat sites will have a webcam set up to stream live video to users of their chat site, like Gay Chat. Streamers will often put on a show while they are on their webcam, where they will show off their nude bodies, masturbate, or have sex with members of their chat site.

This is a growing trend among college men in the United States, and is especially popular among men who are attending college, but also happens at other times. College aged men will stream their webcam and talk to users of their chat site, but don’t necessarily have to be gay, as there are some who stream with just one member of the opposite sex.

How to Join

College men will register on a gay chat site. They will sign up, enter their name and a few photos of their face, and then they will add their webcam, microphone, and video.

Users of the chat sites will often like the streaming, but sometimes don’t know the person is streaming. If they get off on seeing men naked or masturbating, they will often join in on the stream, either by talking dirty to the men who are streaming, or they will call other men of the chat site, and arrange to watch together, or have sex with them, if they want.

College men can make money by streaming themselves on a gay chat site, but you will have to work hard to make the money. A lot of users make just enough money to cover the cost of their internet connection, but others make enough to pay for food and even their college tuition.

The top earners on chat sites are usually men who stream for several hours a day. The streamers have a large following on their chat site, and can make around $500 to $2,000 a month, with some earning over $5,000 a month.

As with all forms of sex work, the job is difficult and some college men will even quit after a few months, but the thrill of making some extra money, and having more followers than they did at school can be enough to keep them motivated to keep working on the job.

If you are looking for a way to make some extra money while you are at college, this may be a good job for you, but you will have to be willing to put in a lot of time to make a lot of money.

Men who stream on gay chat sites are just one of the many ways that college students are finding creative ways to make some extra money while they are at school.

Final Thoughts

While college men who are interested in streaming on gay chat sites may be willing to work hard for their money, they should understand that this may not be a stable job.

Sometimes the men who are streaming will lose their connection, and not be able to stream their webcam and microphone. Some men have also reported that they were banned from streaming on their chat site for doing things they didn’t understand.

With these challenges in mind, you should make sure that you are willing to put in the time and effort necessary to make some extra money while you are in school.

Students Turn To Sex Work To Pay Student Debt

So you’ve racked up hundreds or thousands of dollars in student debt — and maybe you’re finally on your way to paying it off. But what if your options for a cheaper way to pay your loans are as a sex worker?

That’s the reality for a lot of college students, who are more likely to be in debt than not and are turning to escort apps like Skip The Games, cam sites like Chaturbate, and sites like OnlyFans to pay for school, according to a forthcoming report by NAFSA: Association of International Educators.

How Escort Sites Work

On one of the biggest companies in this space, SkipTheGames, the majority of its escorts are college students. According to its site, more than half of its users are between 18 and 24. The site, which has been in business for more than a decade, is one of the largest escort sites in the world, with more than 6 million registered members.

“A lot of people are willing to pay to have a girlfriend experience,” said a young women who works as an escort for the site. “With this company, it’s easy. You just go on some dates, decide who you want to sleep with, and they pay you.”

The woman said that the company pays on a commission, and she takes $100 to $250 per hour.

She said she gets paid for her time, not for sex. According to the woman who works for the site, the men who hire them are more interested in her company than just sex.

“Men are willing to spend a lot more money because they can pay for everything,” she said. “They are willing to pay more because they don’t care.”

While a lot of the escorts on Skip The Games are women, the company says it’s also a popular site for women who want to hire male escorts for sex.

How Many College Students Turn To Escort Sites?

More than one in five college students have used an escort service to pay for tuition, the report says. It also found that college students who are in debt use sex work to cover their loans, and the companies that provide sex work are more than happy to recruit them.

The report, titled “Sex Work as a Way to Pay for College,” paints a bleak picture of how many college students are living with debt, and what it means to them. NAFSA surveyed more than 3,000 college students — about half of them women — about their financial situation.

Here’s what it found:

  • One in three college students was in debt.
  • College student debt was highest at the University of California-Los Angeles and University of California-San Diego, where it was at 31% and 27%, respectively.
  • Only 10% of students went without meals to pay for tuition.
  • The majority of students surveyed said that they spent more on tuition than they expected.
  • Nearly one-quarter of college students surveyed said that they used sex work to pay for school.

The report, which will be published next week, says that financial uncertainty created by student debt makes it more likely that college students will resort to sex work.

“In the context of student debt, sex work may provide a sense of control,” the report says.

Even if college students aren’t in dire financial straits, the pressure to pay off their debt can have serious consequences.

“I’m in school and I’m spending all my time and all my money trying to pay off my loans,” one college student told NAFSA. “But I’m not making any money.”

She said she makes “tens of thousands of dollars” a year working, but still doesn’t feel like she’s making enough to live.

“I don’t feel like I’m getting ahead because I still have to pay off this debt,” she said. “And I’m not getting ahead. I feel like I’m stuck.”

Why Are So Many College Students in Debt?

The student debt crisis is so bad that it’s affecting the economy in ways we didn’t expect.

Since the recession, the economy has been growing but the wages of the average American have been stagnant. College students are one of the groups that have seen their wages go down, according to a report published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

College graduates have seen the median wage of their age group decrease by nearly $1,000 from 2008 to 2018, according to the report.

The report blames the decrease on student loan debt.

In 2008, students graduating from college were earning an average of $35,500 a year. That number has dropped to $29,800 now, according to the report.

How can we solve the student debt crisis?

This debt crisis is solvable. The American education system needs to be reformed and universities need to be made tuition-free.

Education should be accessible for all. And colleges and universities should be forced to prioritize the needs of their students and not their profits.

Worldwide Demonstrations Build Momentum for National Student Strike

The National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs, will take place March 5th on campuses across the US and the world.  The strike is building a wave of campus sentiment against the Bush Administration’s war plans in Iraq.  The event was originally called for and is being coordinated by the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC), a collection of 15 student and youth organizations whose members organizations represent large and diverse constituencies stretching across the US.

Thousands of students on over 200 campuses have pledged their support for this day of national student resistance. 

On March 5th, high school and college students will demonstrate their collective opposition to the Bush Administration’s plans for a pre-emptive, unilateral war in Iraq and call for better-funded and more accessible schools.  Students are also demanding that their campuses serve education instead of war by removing ROTC and JROTC and replacing them with financial aid and college preparatory programs.  They call for local administrative non-compliance with and the federal repeal of the provision of the “No Child Behind Act” which forces high schools to give their students names over to military recruiters or lose federal funds.

“We demand that Bush bring our troops home now.  We don’t want to see our friends die in a needless war,” said Amanda Flott, a junior at the University of Kansas.

Many students say that the latest round of tuition hikes and aid cuts across the country are a “war tax” on the poor.  “Working class youth will have to fight and die while students at home are seeing their education undermined,” said Ben Waxman, a Philadelphia area high school student.  “I want to go to college, not fight for global US domination.”

On Feb. 15th, the world experienced the largest outpouring of support for peace since the Vietnam era as an estimated 6 million people worldwide attended protests in over 500 cities.  “Now the campuses are doing our part to stand up for a better tomorrow,” said Amanda Crater, a junior at UC-Berkeley.  The worldwide peace demonstrations have significantly increased awareness of and participation in the strike.

Since the initial call to action was circulated by the NYSPC, students across the world have joined on to the Books Not Bombs strike campaign.  In Austraila, Spain, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Brazil, and Scotland students will be striking in solidarity with the US students.  Sarah Ahmed of the Muslim Students Association said, “its the people on the streets and on the campuses across the globe who are giving UN diplomats their credibility to resist this war.”

As a prepatory event, students will hold local press conferences early next week to announce their strikes and walkouts.  An as-accurate-as-possible list of high schools and colleges participating in the strike will be posted at <> no later than Wednesday evening, Feb. 26.  See <> for more details including a press kit and weblinks to NYSPC member organizations.

NYSPC Statement

Due to recent domestic and international events related to Bush’s “war on terrorism” we feel the need to expand on our principle opposing a U.S. military response and in support of a foreign policy based on social and economic justice not military and corporate oppression. This statement is a working document but was created to address recent atrocities caused by U.S. military aggression and foreign policy.

NYSPC opposes:

  • U.S. military occupation and modern day colonialism including: foreign control of land, water, agriculture, infrastructure, and governance; as well as U.S. financial and political support of another government to do
    thereof (i.e. Vieques, Philippines, and Palestine)
  • U.S. military offensives and retaliation against entire nations and groups of civilians in the name of attacking individual “terrorists” and “terrorist networks” (examples include but are not limited to:
    Afghanistan, Palestine, North Korea, China, Iraq, Iran, etc.)
  • Ethnic cleansing and genocide-Use of the military to block humanitarian and medical aid for civilians, block access to press and international observers and to destabilize and destroy communication systems
  • Defining “terrorism” as exclusively individual attacks on civilians while sanctioning state ordered police and military terrorism of civilians. NYSPC opposes both state and individual acts of terrorism and the depiction of whole nations of people as “terrorists”.
  • Massive incarcerations and detentions of civilians by police and military


National Student Strike


NYSPC has been in contact with student and youth movements from across the globe and is excited to announce that participation in the March 5th National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs is going to be much larger than we thought. 
So far, we have received confirmation from the Spanish Students Union and the national organization: Students Against Sanctions and War in Canada that the strike will be taking place nationally in those countries.

We have also been in contact with students in the UK, Austraila, Brazil, Mexico and the EU about interest in the March 5th strike. We will provide a full list of countries and campuses involved when it is ready.

NYSPC welcomes the solidarity and participation of our brothers and sitsters outside US borders and we call on other nations’ youth and students to take up the call as well.  Feel free to re-write the call to action so it reflects your own national and local demands.

If you are involved in a student or youth movement outside the US, contact us to register your participation in the strike.  Our Spanish-translated version of the call to action and other resources are available here.

National Student Strike on 400-plus campuses

Turnout exceeds organizers’ expectations as campuses activated

See the updated list of campuses at:

Students from San Diego to Maine participated in strikes, walkouts, and boycotts of class yesterday to resist the Bush Administration’s threatened war in Iraq and called for shifting prioities from exporting war abroad to increased domestic education funding.  

High schools and colleges students walked out at various planned times and converged at points either on campus or in central city-wide spots.  Many walkouts and rallies had large turnouts.  Students left school to demonstrate the immediate danger posed by the Bush administration’s unilateral, “pre-emptive strike” policy toward Iraq. Which will lessen U.S. security, endanger Iraqi civilians, erode U.S. international legitimacy, and divert spending from important domestic priorities such as education.  The event was called and coordinated by the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC), an association of 15 national student and youth organizations.  

Organizers estimate that the list of participating campuses will top 400 once the counting is finished.  Organizers had expected between 200 and 300 campuses to participate.  As tallies came in on Wednesday evening, the list grew well past 300 and is still being tabulated.

Students are increasing the energy and tenacity of their protests as the Bush administration’s position becomes increasingly unrepresentative.  Students held sit–ins demanding that administrators make public statements against the war, and Wisconsin and Vermont students marched into their state capitol buildings and demanded to meet with the Governor to press the issue.  

“Our massive national strike, the growing peace movement, and the international efforts to curb US unilateral military action have been succesful and have given the world hope that we can stop this war before it starts,” said spokesperson Ben Waxman.

Despite the icy weather in much of the country, and threats of expulsion and suspension from high school administrators, turnouts at various student rallies were largely higher than expected:  New York City-1200 at Union Square and Hunter College, Philadelphia-700, Penn St.-1500 at walkout, Seattle Central Community College-1000 plus a “die-in,” Chicago DT rally-5,000, Los Angeles-40-50 schools with avg. participation rate at 15-20%, University of Arkansas-1000-1200 walkout, University of Michigan-2000 students boycottted class.

The call for a student strike was also taken up by students in Canada, Spain, Australia, the UK, France, Bulgaria, Greece, Switzerland, and elsewhere abroad.  Australia had the largest turnout with 10,000 students demonstrating in Sydney, and about 30,000 nationwide.


Students at hundreds of high schools and colleges nationwide are planning a walkout on Wednesday to protest the Bush administration’s plans for war in Iraq.

The student strike is being coordinated by the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition, an organization of 15 student groups that came together after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The coalition, which calls the action “Books not Bombs,” has linked student protests against war in Iraq with a call for better-financed schools.

“We’re getting about 10 schools a day contacting us to participate, and it’s probably about 35-40 percent high schools,” said Andy Burns, an organizer who is signing up schools from his office in Little Rock, Ark.

Mr. Burns said he expected about 300 colleges and high schools to participate in the walkout.  Many of the students organizing next week’s action have portrayed the latest round of tuition increases at state colleges and universities as a “war tax” on the poor.

“We’re walking out of our classes because it’s completely ridiculous that students in Iraq, who are exactly the same as us, will have to face the consequences of a unilateral war,” said Amanda Flott, a University of Kansas student who is a spokeswoman for the coalition. “Also, at a time when many students are already priced out of higher education, the increase in funding for the military will decrease the money available for education, all to support a war that in my mind is not justifiable.”

From Chico State University in California to Castleton State College in Vermont, students are planning a variety of events for the walkout, including antiwar rallies and a mock election, with ballots to be sent to Congress on which protesters can cast votes against the war and for education.

The coalition said that student groups in Australia, Spain, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Brazil and Scotland were organizing strikes in solidarity with the American students.

300 US schools expected to organize walkouts

The “National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs,” will take place tomorrow, March 5th on campuses across the US and the world.  Tens of thousands thousands of US students will stop participating in business as usual for some part of the day to demonstrate to the world that the campuses do not accept the Bush vision of endless war decreased opportunity.

“We’re not going to sit around while we watch ourselves get priced out of education,” said Ben Waxman, a 17-year old student from Philadelphia.  “We’re going to resist.”

As of Sunday evening, 230 high school and college campuses have pledged their support for this day of national student resistance, with new school registrations continuing to pour in each minute.  Organizers expect 300 campuses organizing a local strike or walkout.

Local participants are planning a diverse array of tactics including teach-ins, sit-ins, rallies, banner-drops, puppet shows, snowball fights, and of course, strikes and walkouts as they call for their campuses and government to serve education instead of war.

Students will walk out of classes all over New York City during the morning, and a final convergence point will be a massive rally at Hunter College at 2:30 pm.  Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles schools will also hold city-wide student rallies.

At many convergence points, youth and students will take a “vote” to stop the war and increase funding for education.  The ballots will be counted and sent to congressional representatives to underscore the message.  “We’re excerising our electoral power while taking direct action,” said Waxman.

Resources for press, including an updated list of campuses and local organizer’s contact info are available on the NYSPC’s website at:  See the New York Time’s weekend story on the strike at: 

The “National Student Strike” event is coordinated by the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC).  The call for a student strike has been taken up by students in Canada, Spain, Australia, the UK, France,Bulgaria, Switzerland, and elsewhere.

Lobby Day

On March 5th, on the eve of the war with Iraq, almost 500 high school and college campuses participated in the “Books Not Bombs” student strike to tell politicians and school administrators that we were against a war with Iraq. Despite opposition here at home and around the world, the Bush administration escalated its attack on Iraq. The United States today is engaged in an unjust war and occupation with untold human and financial costs. At the same time our schools and social services are under attack as local, county and state governments find themselves in deep financial crisis. In fact, the cost of one day of war on Iraq (about $1.1 Billion) is enough money to prevent cuts to education programs in the entire 2003 fiscal year.*

The Bush administration has made his priorities clear. We know that Iraq is one stop in a longer campaign of a pre-emptive “war on terror.” As youth and students we understand that this will only mean more bloodshed, more budget cuts, and an increased attack on our democratic rights. WE as the youth of the U.S. have to step up and play a role in making the government accountable to OUR priorities.

As we saw with the March 5th Student Strike, we show our power best collectively ­ that’s why the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition calls for a


In the weeks leading up to the lobby day high school and college campuses can build up to the lobby day by:


  • registering people to vote
  • collecting the ‘i will vote for books not bombs’ pledge cards
  • holding teach-ins and/or workshops on the effects of war on our schools and communities including discussion of the budget and fiscal crisis that are occurring all around the country


On May 6th take your pledge cards and a delegation of students to visit the local offices of your Congressional representatives and/or Senators to demand:


  • an end to the war/occupation of Iraq and prevent future war drives
  • support international law and the UN to ensure self-determination and democracy for the Iraqi people
  • focus on OUR priorities of funding education, health care, job training and rebuilding our communities not war.

Then once you’ve made your visit let us know how many cards you collected and the number of students who went to turn the cards in to the local congressional offices. You can register your event by emailing or online at

“I Will Vote for Books not Bombs” Pledge cards and other information and resources will be available at

National Youth and Student Peace Coalition is a national coalition whose member organizations include:
180/Movement for Democracy and Education, Black Radical Congress-Youth Division Campus Greens, JustAct: Youth Action for Global Justice, Muslim Students Association of the US and Canada, National Youth Advocacy Coalition, “Not With Our Money” , Student Environmental Action Coalition, Student Peace Action Network, Students United for a Responsible Global Environment, Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations, United Students Against Sweatshops, United States Student Association, Young Communist League, Young Democratic Socialists, Young People’s Socialists League, Youth Bloc-NY
*information taken from War Resister’s League Pie Chart available at


Together, we have the power to stop this war and change history:
In the Spirit of March 5th, RISE UP FOR BOOKS NOT BOMBS!
*NYSPC is a coalition made up of the following national organizations:
180/Movement for Democracy and Education, Black Radical Congress-Youth Division, Campus Greens, Muslim Students Association of the US and Canada, National Youth Advocacy Coalition, Not With Our Money, Student Environmental Action Coalition, Student Peace Action Network, Students United for a Responsible Global Environment, Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations, United Students Against Sweatshops, United States Student Association, Young Communist League, Young Democratic Socialists, Young People’s Socialists League.


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